Выселение. Приватизация. Перепланировка. Ипотека. ИСЖ

В детстве Джиму приходилось, мягко сказать, туговато… Материальное положение его семьи было столь плачевным, что его отец едва сводил концы с концами, дабы прокормить своих четверых детей. Но когда глава семьи потерял свою бухгалтерскую работу, семья вообще перекочевала жить в простую палатку. Если жизнь отстой, чтобы полностью не свихнуться, нужно относиться ко всем ее испытаниям с юмором. Самый младшенький Джим Керри это понял и с тех пор возомнил себя клоуном, доставая всех своими ржачными выходками и постоянно корча рожи. Уже в десять лет он умудрился послать 80 фоток со своими рожами на одно из американских шоу. Его посылка не осталась незамеченной… Но от простого письма с благодарностями толку было маловато… А в 15 лет Джим впервые засветился на публике в комедийном клубе для начинающих комиков. Публика оказалась туповатой, и выступление, которое было придумано вместе с отцом, показалось ей остойным – юзера-комика даже забросали помидорами. Эх, знали бы все тогда, кто перед ними выступает… Но Джим этого тоже не знал и опустил руки… Он бросил школу! Мало того, семья была на такой мели, что всем детям пришлось устроиться уборщиками – они мыли туалеты!:(Неудивительно, что Джим тогда возненавидел весь мир.

Целых два года он пытался полюбить мир снова, собирался с силами и идеями, чтобы вновь засветиться на той же сцене. И в этот раз все было по-другому. Когда он выступал, в зале стоял полный ржак и комика вызывали на бис еще и еще!!! Но это было не то, чего он хотел… Керри спал и видел себя на большом экране. И пройти курсы актерского мастерства в этом случае было отнюдь не лишним. После учебы Джима наконец-то заметили, и он стал сниматься в телесериалах и фильмах. Правда, только в малозначительных ролях. Но за них хотя бы платили деньги!

Каждый начинающий актер видит себя в Голливуде. Джим исключением не стал и навострил свои лыжи именно туда. И ломанулся – через тернии к звездам! Уже в 1984 году от журнала «Пипл» он обрел статус лучшего американского пародиста за свое «резиновое» лицо. В результате чего запросто получил роль в комедийном сериале «Утиная фабрика». Потом судьба решила над ним поглумиться – сериал закрылся. В себе закрылся и Джим, лежа сутками напролет в кровати… Да и в его семье дела обстояли не ахти. Ей срочно нужны были деньги и помочь мог только он… Джим был вынужден забить на свой депрессняк и начать метаться по кастингам и прослушиваниям. Результат не заставил себя долго ждать. Ему подфартило и он снялся в фильме «Однажды укушенный». А затем сбылась его большая мечта – у него появилось собственное шоу. Потом он вальяжно вошел в образ Эйса Вентуры, детектива по розыску домашних животных, и понеслось… С тех пор Джима Керри знают все! Знают как человека, который научил весь мир смеяться!:)


«Когда дела совсем плохи, остаётся только смеяться».

«У многих из нас есть чокнутые родственники. А многие из нас в глазах родственников - сами чокнутые».

«Комик не обязательно изменяет мир своим искусством, но он может сделать жизнь в нем более сносной».

«Если у вас есть талант, он защитит вас».

«У меня не жизнь, а сон сумасшедшего».

«Если вы откажитесь от своей мечты, то что останется?»

«Я всю жизнь верю в чудеса».


Маска (1994)

Лжец, лжец (1997)

Шоу Трумана (1998)

Вечное сияние чистого разума (2004)

Всегда говори «ДА» (2008)


Текст: Аня Звездная


Странная походка и «резиновое» лицо. Вот и все, что у него есть, что б заставить Вас кататься по полу и заливаться слезами от смеха. Это величайший комик нашего времени.

Нет, это не Эдди Мерфи. Встречайте Джим Керри!


«Верь или не верь» (2010)

«Рождественский гимн» (2009)

«Я люблю тебя, Филлип Моррис» (2009)

«Horton Hears a Who!» (2008)

«Всегда говори "Да"» (2008)

«Роковое число 23» (2007)

«Fun with Dick and Jane» (2005)

«Вечное сияние чистого разума» (2004)

«Лемони Сникет: 33 несчастья» (2004)

«Bruce Almighty» (2003)

«Pecan Pie» (2003)

«Мажестик» (2001)

«How the Grinch Stole Christmas» (2000)

«Я, снова я и Ирэн»(2000)

«Человек на Луне» (1999)

«Simon Birch» (1998)

«Шоу Трумана» (1998)

«Liar Liar» (1997)

«The Cable Guy» (1996)

«Бэтмен навсегда» (1995)

«Эйс Вентура 2: Когда зовет природа» (1995)

«Маска» (1994)

«Тупой и еще тупее» (1994)

«Эйс Вентура: Розыск домашних животных» (1994)

«Doing Time on Maple Drive» (1992)

«The Itsy Bitsy Spider» (1992)

«Нервы на пределе» (1991)

сериал «In Living Color» (1990- 1994)

«Mike Hammer: Murder Takes All» (1989)

«Pink Cadillac» (1989)

«Earth Girls Are Easy» (1988)

«The Dead Pool» (1988)

«Peggy Sue Got Married» (1986)

«Once Bitten» (1985)

«Buffalo Bill» (1984)

«Finders Keepers» (1984)

«The Duck Factory» (1984)

«All in Good Taste» (1983)

«Copper Mountain» (1983)

«Introducing... Janet» (1983)

«The Sex and Violence Family Hour» (1983)

«The All-Night Show» (1980)

Born on: January 17, 1962

Born in: Newmarket, Ontario

Nationality: Canadian-American

Career: Actor

Jim Carrey is one of the notable Hollywood actors, mainly known for his slapstick performances. He is a Canadian-American and has worn two Golden Globes till date, for his performances. He made his acting debut with television series and went on to become one of the most notable stars in Hollywood. Amongst his most successful comedy films are ‘Ace Ventura: Pet Detective’, ‘Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls’, ‘The Mask’, ‘Dumb and Dumber’, ‘Me, Myself & Irene’, ‘Fun with Dick and Jane’, ‘Liar Liar’ and ‘Bruce Almighty’. Apart from that, he also received critical acclaim for movies like ‘The Truman Show’, ‘Man on the Moon’ and ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’.

Childhood and Early Life

Jim Carry was born as ‘James Eugene Carrey’ on 17 th January 1962, in Newmarket, Ontario. He is the son of Percy Carrey, a musician and accountant, and his wife Kathleen, a housewife. He was the youngest child of his parents and has three older siblings - John, Patricia and Rita. Carrey was raised in a Catholic household. His family moved to Scarborough in 1974, when he was 14 years old. Thereafter, he attended Blessed Trinity Catholic School in North York for two years. Carrey then enrolled at Agincourt Collegiate Institute. His family remained in Burlington, Ontario, for 8 years and there, he attended Aldershot High School.

Entry in Comedy

Carrey became involved with stand-up comedy in the year 1979, when he was hardly 17 years old. He started performing at ‘Yuk Yuk"s’ in Toronto, under the management of Leatrice Spevack. Within a period of less than 2 years, he rose to become a headliner there. In the early 1980s, he moved to Los Angeles and started working at ‘The Comedy Store’. It was here that Carrey got the attention of comedian Rodney Dangerfield. Dangerfield was so much impressed by Carrey’s performance that he signed him to open his tour performances.

Start of Acting Career

With time, Carrey initiated efforts to get into the film and television industries. He gave unsuccessful auditions for 1980-81 season of ‘NBC"s Saturday Night Live’ as well as ‘D.C. Cab’. He made his debut in movies in 1891, with the film ‘Introducing…Janet’, which was later renamed as ‘Rubberface’. He was next seen in a comedy film ‘Copper Mountain’, followed by ‘All in Good Taste’ Carrey landed his first lead role in a television series with NBC"s ‘The Duck Factory’, in the year 1984. The same year, he starred in ‘Finders Keepers’.

Till early 1990s, Carrey was seen in a number of inconsequential films, like ‘Once Bitten’, ‘Peggy Sue Got Married’, ‘The Dead Pool’, ‘Pink Cadillac’ (film), ‘Earth Girls Are Easy’, etc. He also appeared in a few television series, including ‘Mike Hammer: Murder Takes All’ and "In Living Color’. It was only in the year 1994 that Carrey achieved major recognition, when he starred in the comedy ‘Ace Ventura: Pet Detective’. Though the film was bashed by critics and also made him end up with Golden Raspberry Award nomination as ‘Worst New Star’, it was a commercial success and made people notice him.

The very next year, Carrey was seen in two more senseless comedies - ‘The Mask’ and ‘Dumb and Dumber’. In 1995, he was seen in a sequel of Ace Ventura i.e. ‘Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls’, followed by the film ‘Batman Forever’. Both the films were major commercial successes. He made a record in 1996 when he was paid twenty million dollars for ‘The Cable Guy’, a record sum for a comedy actor. Though the film achieved moderate success, Carrey soon came back with the successful ‘Liar Liar’.

Carrey ventured towards serious roles in 1998, with ‘The Truman Show’, which won him a Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Drama and an MTV Movie Award for Best Male Performance. The next year, he was seen in ‘Man on the Moon’, which won major critical acclaim as well as a Golden Globe for Best Actor. He turned back to comedy in 2000, with ‘Me, Myself & Irene’, a box-office hit. Carrey continued with his forte in ‘Bruce Almighty’, the second highest grossing live-action comedy of all time.

His next critical success came with ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’, winning him his sixth Golden Globe nomination. In 2004, Carrey played a villain in ‘Lemony Snicket"s A Series of Unfortunate Events’. The next year, he starred in a remake of ‘Fun with Dick and Jane’. Next, Carrey was seen after 2 years i.e. in 2007, in ‘The Number 23’, a psychological thriller co-starring Virginia Madsen and Danny Huston. Though he has received commercial success as well as critical acclaim, he has remained devoid of Academy Award nominations till date.

Personal Life

Carry had his first marriage with Melissa Womer, former actress and Comedy Store waitress. The couple had a daughter - Jane Erin Carrey, on 6 th September 1987. The alliance came to an end with a divorce, in 1995. Around this time, Carrey was dating Lauren Holly, his Dumb and Dumber co-star. They got married in 1996, but unfortunately the matrimony lasted even less than a year. Thereafter, Carrey became involved with actress Renée Zellweger and even got engaged to her.

The engagement was broken in December 2000. Since then, Carrey has been involved with a number of females, including Tiffany O. Silver - his massage therapist, Jenny McCarthy - actress/model, and Anine Bing - model (rumored). He is a vegetarian and attended a Presbyterian Church in the early 1990s. He received a star on Canada"s Walk of Fame, in Toronto, in 1998. Carrey received U.S. citizenship in 2004 and presently, holds dual citizenship of U.S. and Canada. He owns a Gulfstream V and drives a Saleen S7.

James Eugene Carrey (born January 17, 1962) is an actor, comedian, writer and producer from Newmarket, Ontario, Canada. A born comedian, Carrey mailed his r?um?to The Carol Burnett Show when he was 10 years old. The teachers in Carrey"s high school gave him a few minutes at the end of each school day to do a stand-up routine for his classmates.

The Carrey family fell on hard times and were forced to move to Scarborough, a Toronto suburb, where they took security and janitorial jobs in the Titan Wheels factory. Carrey began working eight-hour shifts each day after school. Eventually, the Carrey family escaped life at Titan by living on a relative"s lawn out of the family Volkswagen van until they could move back downtown.

Carrey dropped out of high school, and began to work in comedy clubs and develop his act, which included impersonations of celebrities such as Michael Landon and James Stewart. In 1979 he moved to Los Angeles and started working in The Comedy Store, where he was noticed by comedian Rodney Dangerfield. Dangerfield liked Carrey"s act so much that he signed Carrey up to open Dangerfield"s tour performances.

Carrey began to work occasionally in television and small parts in movies, which eventually led to a friendship with Damon Wayans. Wayans"s brother, Keenen Ivory Wayans, was in the process of putting together a sketch comedy show for Fox called In Living Color, and hired Carrey to be a cast member. Carrey"s unusual characters and on-screen behavior caught America"s attention.

Carrey"s first starring role in a film was in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994). Through the 1990s, Carrey released one highly successful film after another, including The Mask in 1994, Batman Forever in 1995, Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls in 1995, Liar Liar in 1997, and The Truman Show in 1998.

In 1999, Carrey fought hard for his next role as comedian Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon. There were quite a few actors fighting for the role, including Edward Norton, but director Milos Forman and the other filmmakers knew Carrey was their "Andy" when they saw him audition. Carrey performed for them as Kaufman with Kaufman"s actual bongo drums.

Carrey"s manager is James Miller, younger brother of comedian Dennis Miller.

Carrey has won repeatedly nominations from the two major foreign press associations, with two Golden Satellite Award nominations and six nominations for Golden Globe Awards, winning two of the latter. He has been even more successful with MTV Movie Awards, with over 20 nominations and awards, some shared (as in the 1995 "Best Kiss" award shared with Lauren Holly). He has also been nominated three times for Saturn Awards.

He is an inductee of Canada"s Walk of Fame.

Carrey has been listed on a number of lists of famous people that are claimed to have or have had bipolar disorder, but the truth of these rumours is not known.

Jim Carrey continues to appear in successful comedies as well as more dramatic roles. His performance in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) earned high praise from critics, who once again incorrectly predicted that Carrey would receive his first Oscar nomination.


Introducing... Janet, (1981) TV Movie
All in Good Taste, (1982)
The Sex and Violence Family Hour, (1983)
Club Med, (1983) TV Movie
The Duck Factory, (1983-1984) TV Series
Finders Keepers, (1984)
Once Bitten, (1985)
Peggy Sue Got Married, (1986)
The Dead Pool, (1988)
Pink Cadillac, (1989)
Mike Hammer: Murder Takes All, (1989) TV Movie
Earth Girls are Easy, (1989)
In Living Color, (1990-1993) TV Series
High Strung, (1991) (uncredited cameo) Video Release
The Itsy Bitsy Spider, (1992) Cartoon
Doing Time on Maple Drive, (1992) TV Movie
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, (1994)
The Mask, (1994)
Dumb and Dumber, (1994)
Batman Forever, (1995)
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, (1995)
The Cable Guy, (1996)
Liar Liar, (1997)
The Truman Show, (1998)
Simon Birch, (1998) (cameo)
Man on the Moon, (1999)
Me, Myself and Irene, (2000)
Dr. Seuss" How the Grinch Stole Christmas, (2000)
The Majestic, (2001)
Bruce Almighty, (2003)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Lemony Snicket"s A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004)

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Выселение. Приватизация. Перепланировка. Ипотека. ИСЖ